Documenting your activity is a great way to share about what you’ve done. Here’s a printable zine to keep in your pocket as a helpful friend and reminder!
Do you forget to document?
Remembering to take photos beforehand, photos during, and then also reflecting at the end of a workshop or program can feel like too much on top of running the workshop itself!
But when we do remember to document and reflect, it can help us feel calmer, because we set up ourselves for success for the next time.
Document and Reflect, a Zine!
This pocket-sized printable zine on documenting and reflecting includes the checklists you see below. Keep it handy when you run your activity, to help you remember to document and reflect!
PLIX zines are a supplementary resource for patrons and librarians to refer to. Use our guide to cut and assemble them.
Use these checklists and set of reflection prompts to help you document. Here’s a printable 8.5”x11” version
Right before you start!
📸 Take a photo of the space set up
📸 Take photos of the tables and material set up
📸 Take a selfie of you in the space, or ask someone to help!
📸 Take photos of the diverse examples created by you, your peers, or your volunteers
At the start
đź“ŠÂ Gather data about the number of people who showed up, and their approximate ages
During the session
Remember that asking for permission before taking photos fosters trust, connection, and agency for all ages
📸 Take photos of creations, both completed and in progress!
📸 Take photos from the backs of learners, or of their hands that captures them in action!
📸 Take photos of learners sharing or collaborating!
📸 Take photos of anything else that stood out to you
👉🏼 Get creative in avoiding faces in these photos, and also avoiding the need for a media release!
After the program
Reflect and jot down a few notes
- What went well, or felt successful?
- How did you support creative STEAM learning?
- What facilitation tips did you use? It can be from PLIX or one of your own!
- Describe a memorable moment with a learner or participant
- What would you do differently next time?
- Other thoughts and ideas you’d like to share with your peers who might be interested in running the same program