The Public Library Innovation Exchange (PLIX) at MIT Open Learning co-designs creative STEAM activities with public library professionals and MIT researchers, and offers professional development in facilitating creative learning to support STEM confidence.🌟 Read more About PLIX →
Upcoming Make’n’Meet Workshops
Sign up to get started on a creative STEAM activity with the PLIX team!
Play with pneumatics, the power of air, to make visible your mind-body connection!
Sneak between the pages of a story and give characters a sidequest!
Creative STEAM Activities
Get started with PLIX with our thoughtfully designed STEAM activities.
Learn the basics of circuits while creating beautiful, interactive works of art!
Create your own rules for tracking data that is meaningful to you.
Bring the physical world into interactive stories, animations, and games on mobile devices with easy on-the-go creative coding.
Latest Updates
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Different ways the PLIX team and PLIX Library Ambassadors have facilitated OctoStudio programs in public libraries, through the lens of creative learning.
The PLIX team is delighted to announce our 2024-2025 cohort of PLIX Library Ambassadors.
Reflections, challenges, and facilitation tips from sharing Data Gems at a middle school summer program
The design of a new PLIX activity focused on data entry-ways!
PLIX Mentor Renaté adapts creative learning for a diverse audience
Mentor Interview: Melissa Sprenne and her love of making things glow with PLIX Paper Circuits