@PLIX Team
PLIX is delighted to announce our first-ever cohort of PLIX Creative Learning Ambassadors!
This group shares our passion for hands-on creative learning programming and a keen desire to spread their love of what PLIX is doing. Together, we will build a network of library professionals who advocate for PLIX and creative learning in communities, library systems, and libraries across the United States. Ambassadors will take on a leadership role in local communities as well as online in our Community of Practice.
With great pride and excitement, we introduce them to you:
Amanda Geske Children's & Teen Services Librarian on forum: amanda.geske Saint Paul Public Library St. Paul, Minnesota
Michigan City Public Library Michigan City, Indiana
The 25 Ambassadors represent a wide range of library professionals—in the roles they perform, the size and setting of their libraries (some tiny rural branches, others huge urban systems), and the depth of experience in librarianship and/or STEM topics.
You’ll be seeing the Ambassadors co-facilitating offerings from PLIX— online courses, community meetings and workshops—and conducting professional development workshops for their library systems or regions. They’ll join us in introducing peers to the PLIX approach and PLIX Activities.
The Ambassadors program is made possible with funding from the IMLS Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program.