@PLIX Team
The X of PLIX stands for “exchange”, and we are always looking for new ways to work with our librarian partners to make sure that ideas travel both ways.
In that spirit, we are thrilled to announce our newest program: PLIX Creative Learning Ambassadors. We plan to collaborate with 25 Ambassadors to act as advocates for creative learning. Ambassadors are invited to take on a leadership role in their local community as well as in PLIX online workshops and the discussion forum.
The program includes regular (virtual) meetings with the cohort—to get to know one another, share updates and ideas, and discuss and plan potential activities:
- Supporting colleagues in your library system in how to engage PLIX activities for creative learning
- Talking about your work with PLIX activities at conferences and other professional gatherings
- Engaging with others and posting about creative learning on social media
- Remixing PLIX activities with your patrons and documenting the experience
- [Your ideas here!]
Time commitment: You will determine this depending on what kind(s) of project(s) you take on. We anticipate an average of 1–2 hours per week of extra involvement—with PLIX or with your own community—promoting creative learning in public libraries. The first cohort will launch in late September or early October and runs through summer 2022.
Eligibility: Ambassadors should be professionals working in (not just with) public libraries within the United States (including territories and bases).
Support: With funding from the IMLS Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program, Ambassadors will each receive a $1,000 honorarium for their time and participation, as well as additional materials, equipment, support, and training from the PLIX team.
PLIX has a commitment to the representation of groups that have been non-dominant / historically marginalized or excluded due to ethnicity, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, economic background, educational attainment, and age. PLIX encourages applicants from a wide variety of communities to apply, and we are looking for our Ambassadors to represent a diverse cohort along the following criteria:
- geography
- library size
- library context (such as rural, remote, suburban, urban, tribal)
- service area (such as children, teens, adults, etc.)
- comfort level with STEM topics
- personal identity
The deadline for applying was Friday, September 17th, 2021. The first cohort of Ambassadors will be notified in late September, and we will start our work after that.